German WWII M35 SD Heer Helmet
Up for sale is a very nice and original German WWII M35 SD Heer Helmet.
According to the family we got this helmet from - The helmet was found in a German bar. According to the story, the soldier that was issue this helmet died during the war. Though, after his death, it was donated to his favorite bar by his comrades. His friends all signed the inside of the helmet. When the US veteran visited the bar during the war it was given away as an appreciation token for liberating the city.
Up for sale is a very nice and original German WWII M35 SD Heer Helmet.
According to the family we got this helmet from - The helmet was found in a German bar. According to the story, the soldier that was issue this helmet died during the war. Though, after his death, it was donated to his favorite bar by his comrades. His friends all signed the inside of the helmet. When the US veteran visited the bar during the war it was given away as an appreciation token for liberating the city.
Up for sale is a very nice and original German WWII M35 SD Heer Helmet.
According to the family we got this helmet from - The helmet was found in a German bar. According to the story, the soldier that was issue this helmet died during the war. Though, after his death, it was donated to his favorite bar by his comrades. His friends all signed the inside of the helmet. When the US veteran visited the bar during the war it was given away as an appreciation token for liberating the city.