Original German WWII Normandy Tri-Color M42 SD Heer Helmet
Apart of our personal collection is an original German WWII M42 SD Heer Normandy Camouflage 3 Tone helmet. This helmet is one of the nicest we have come across with very little wear and strong / vibrant colors. The Heer decal can be noted under the paint.
Manufacture : NS 68
Batch Number: 3087
Apart of our personal collection is an original German WWII M42 SD Heer Normandy Camouflage 3 Tone helmet. This helmet is one of the nicest we have come across with very little wear and strong / vibrant colors. The Heer decal can be noted under the paint.
Manufacture : NS 68
Batch Number: 3087
Apart of our personal collection is an original German WWII M42 SD Heer Normandy Camouflage 3 Tone helmet. This helmet is one of the nicest we have come across with very little wear and strong / vibrant colors. The Heer decal can be noted under the paint.
Manufacture : NS 68
Batch Number: 3087